Searching With PartsBase

At PartsBase, we give you the opportunity to search our worldwide database of over 115 million line items of inventory. Our inventory has extensive listings in commercial, general, military and aerospace parts for both fixed and rotary aircraft. Instead of spending time, money and stress trying to hunt down parts, go through PartsBase and use our successful search ability.

Partsbase Search Ability

Our search ability makes it easy to find all the parts you are looking for and to grow your business in a successful way.

International Opportunity

PartsBase has the strongest global presence in the market place. With members in 162 countries, utilizing PartsBase will help you find suppliers in your region. Our members have the opportunity to utilize our company to buy parts, sell their products and research anything they need. By listing your inventory by geographic region, PartsBase can use this information to help target clients to your parts and services. You could have warehouses in Florida or even across the globe, and PartsBase will be sure to help you with optimal exposure and an increase to sales.

Cross Referencing

PartsBase can help expand your results with cross referencing capabilities through our databases. This will, as an effect, add thousands of approved alternate parts to your search. We offer the Master Cross Reference Library (MCRL) in your Government Logistics search. You will receive alternate part number cross-referencing data for part numbers, NSNs, NIIN, NAS, and MS numbers. We also provide full Procurement History of Government contracts going back over three decades, Technical Characteristics, ML-C data, and historical Vendor Contact Information. Our information is updated regularly and provides reliable information in printable easy to read reports.


Through PartsBase, you have the ability to send RFQs to all suppliers quickly and efficiently. Buyers have the ability to enter the number of parts they are looking for in our RFQ box. Every listing they enter, the database will automatically generate a Request for Quote. When the buyer has chosen all the companies they wish to send the RFQ to, they can click the VIEW RFQ at the bottom of the listings. Buyers can also print this page for their records.

Free Access to Our Message Board

We have a 90% search success rate, but we don’t stop there. If you are unable to locate your part through a standard or advanced search, PartsBase gives you free access to our industry leading message board, with email alerts, as an added tool in finding those hard to find parts. To find more out about everything PartsBase has to offer through our search ability, visit our website and act today with our free trial. If you would rather talk to a person directly, contact a sales rep at (888) 322-6896.

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