Choosing the Best Inventory Management software for Your Business
Pre-Trade Show Social Media Campaign
Cyber Security Threats in Aviation
Inventory Forecasting Technologies
Crisis on the Horizon
Augmented Reality in Aviation
The Future of Mobile Applications in Aviation
Cloud Computing in Aviation
Trust: The Building Block of Supplier Collaboration
Trade Show Budgeting

Cyber Security Threats in Aviation

The technological world continues to ramp up in terms of evolution, and there are no signs that it will slow down – especially in terms of Cyber Security Defense. As the defenses against these cyber security threats has grown, so have the attackers.

The aviation industry must be on the forefront of these technological advancements, due to the extremely sensitive information they handle.
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Inventory Forecasting Technologies

For wholesalers, distributors, and others involved in the supply chain of goods and products, Inventory Forecasting Technologies are especially important. These forecasting technologies are the foundation on which all company plans are built in terms of markets, general revenue projections, and strategic planning. Management of your business’ forecasting technology would be a simple matter, that is if business wasn’t constantly evolving … and it is only going to speed up from here!
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Crisis on the Horizon

As we see the aviation and aerospace fields prepare to launch into a new age of technological advancements, a potentially massive road block also comes into view.  Aviation & Aerospace skilled labor shortages are nearing “crisis” level says Forbes, and many other accredited sources.  They all point to the year 2022 as “the year of reckoning”.
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Augmented Reality in Aviation

“Will Augmented Reality completely change the Aviation field?” Yes … it absolutely will. Through the use of AR, maintenance will be streamlined and more easily implemented, navigation will be simplified, and the overall experience will be that much more enjoyable for all involved parties!
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The Future of Mobile Applications in Aviation

In 2017 there were roughly 200 billion mobile applications being used (1). These mobile apps are ritually and habitually used to enhance the user’s average daily experiences by providing quicker access to that “ease of aggravation” that consumers are used to.

This begs the question – would the aviation industry benefit from mobile applications?
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Trust: The Building Block of Supplier Collaboration

The definition of Collaboration, according to Merriam-Webster, is “to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor” or “to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected”. Working in tandem like this is what has helped our economy boom, as well as raising businesses from the brink of collapse.
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Trade Show Budgeting

Trade show season just ended which means that it is time to start prepping for the upcoming trade show year. As teams plan out their fiscal budgets, it is important to financially plan for the next trade show that you intend to exhibit at. PartsBase is all too aware of this, not just from attending every major aviation show but from hosting the hugely successful PBExpo 2018.
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