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Tag - Partsbase

Crisis on the Horizon
Cloud Computing in Aviation
Trade Show Budgeting
Disruption in Aviation & Airlines
Terry Jones Announced as PBExpo 2018 Keynote Speaker
IoT is H.o.T!
PartsBase Partners with Pentagon 2000 Software
A Place for Technology in PBExpo
Opportunities with PBExpo 2018
When to Use an RFQ

Crisis on the Horizon

As we see the aviation and aerospace fields prepare to launch into a new age of technological advancements, a potentially massive road block also comes into view.  Aviation & Aerospace skilled labor shortages are nearing “crisis” level says Forbes, and many other accredited sources.  They all point to the year 2022 as “the year of reckoning”.
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Trade Show Budgeting

Trade show season just ended which means that it is time to start prepping for the upcoming trade show year. As teams plan out their fiscal budgets, it is important to financially plan for the next trade show that you intend to exhibit at. PartsBase is all too aware of this, not just from attending every major aviation show but from hosting the hugely successful PBExpo 2018.
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Disruption in Aviation & Airlines

This decade alone we have witnessed major disruptions in the travel and transportation industries, but has aviation avoided these disruptions? The most prominent disruption/innovation has been in taxiing, with Uber, and in hospitality, with Airbnb. The music industry, banking and e-commerce, telecommunications companies, and media sources have also felt the reckoning of disruptive forces.
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Terry Jones Announced as PBExpo 2018 Keynote Speaker

Boca Raton, Florida – PBExpo, the newest technology trade show for the aviation marketplace, announces today that the inaugural event will kick-off with a keynote presentation headlined by Terry Jones, Founder of, Founding Chairman of, and Chairman of  The inaugural trade show will be hosted May 16 – 17, 2018 at the Greater Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
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IoT is H.o.T!

Internet of Things

Technology is an incredible thing. We are currently seeing massive leaps and bounds in the field, especially in data and its place in the technology field. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the future, as well as the present.

So what exactly is IoT, besides the future of the internet?
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PartsBase Partners with Pentagon 2000 Software

Partnership Creates a New, Advanced System Interface

Boca Raton, Florida – PartsBase, Inc. operating the World’s Largest Aviation Marketplace, has formed a strategic partnership with Pentagon 2000 software.  The newest partnership will provide a direct integration to the recently released PartsBase web service platform.   This relationship will enhance the user experience giving PartsBase and Pentagon users a seamless bridge between the respective platforms.
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A Place for Technology in PBExpo

Under 200 Days Until PBExpo 2018!

With 2017 coming to a close, 2018 is quickly rounding the corner; which means PBExpo 2018 is getting near.  PartsBase eagerly awaits May 16th and 17th when big names in technology, aviation, cyber security, big data, and e-commerce fields come together in the gorgeous Greater Fort Lauderdale and Broward County Convention Center for the inaugural PBExpo.

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Opportunities with PBExpo 2018

Advertising with PBExpo 2018

Many traditional forms of advertising have businesses spending large amounts of capital on what seems like a daily basis. This holds especially true for those in the fields of aviation, cyber security, and technology. While running online advertisements, making cold calls, and sending cold emails is a proven form of reaching consumers, nothing beats direct contact. This is, in part, one of the reasons PartsBase decided to create a trade show, and one of the primary foundations of PBExpo.
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When to Use an RFQ

Why are RFQs Used?

When the government is searching for the possibility of acquiring a new product or service, a Request for Quotation (RFQ) may be issued. When the government doesn’t intend to award a contract due to solicitation, but wants to have a price, delivery, or additional information for planning purposes, an RFQ may also be used.

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